Viva CalleSJ
Recent Posts

February 21, 2020
Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo believes Paris needs to become a "15 minute city"

February 11, 2020
Every Street In Paris To Be Cycle-Friendly By 2024, Promises Mayor

January 14, 2020
Barcelona tries something new with a car-free city

January 14, 2020
Despite a strong economy, Americans are driving fewer miles than they did before 2007-09 recession
December 10, 2019
San Diego maybe in the process of removing motorized vehicles from a downtown street for a Public Life idea.
February 14, 2019
Addis Ababa and cities across Ethiopia are observing the country's third Car Free Day
August 08, 2018
Are you planning on taking the bus to Viva CalleSJ? Or do you take the bus along Monterey Road? Check out VTA bus reroute information to make sure you can get where you need to go September 23, 2018.
July 24, 2018
The City of San José’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services and Niantic, Inc. are teaming up again. This time to make a difference during this year’s Viva CalleSJ event – the City’s signature open streets event!
July 23, 2018
Doesn't matter if you are a group or an individual, Viva CalleSJ has something for you! It is time to get excited Viva CalleSJ again, we are back September 23, 2018 with a 6-mile route extending through San José, from downtown to the southside. We are calling on you to step up, help out, and volunteer for this fun and safe open streets event. Team up with the Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services to make sure all participants at the event have a great experience.
September 14, 2017
Looking to plan your Viva CalleSJ adventure? Don't know where to be or when? Hopefully this well help! Check out the complete stage schedule for all hubs.
September 11, 2017
Questions about Pokémon GO at Viva CalleSJ? Check out our FAQ.

July 17, 2017
Join us for a community meeting in your neighborhood to learn more about Viva CalleSJ family-friendly activities, business opportunities, event logistics, volunteer needs, and more!

June 16, 2017
Take pride in your city, San Jose! Get excited about upcoming Viva CalleSJ,Sunday, September 17!We are calling all members of our community to step up and volunteer for this fun and safe open streets event.
May 11, 2017
On Sunday, Sept. 17, 2017, San José residents will be able to explore more than 7 miles of San José’s roads. This year’s event, Downtown and Eastbound: El Corazon will connect San José’s historic Japantown, through the downtown, to East Side’s Lake Cunningham Park.

April 07, 2017
Viva CalleSJ is still rolling in 2017! Today, the City of San José’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services (PRNS) officially announced that the third installment of Viva CalleSJ, the Open Streets program that last year brought nearly 100,000 residents out to walk, bike, skate and play, will return on Sunday, September 17, 2017.
January 12, 2017
For a second year in a row, Viva CalleSJ has proven to be a program that brings San José’s diverse communities together, gets people out and exercising, and supports local businesses.
October 11, 2016
Are you still smiling, San Jose? We know it’s been a couple of weeks since Viva CalleSJ, but we still get giddy reminiscing about our experiences that day. We are happy to give you a brief update on the success of this program, and to thank all of the people who made it a success.
September 17, 2016
Looking for more things to do! Here are some more amazing activates put together by the folks in Japantown!
Recent Posts
- Quebec Tries New Crosswalk System
- Paris Mayor: It's Time for a '15-Minute City'
- Every Street In Paris To Be Cycle-Friendly By 2024, Promises Mayor
- State Park Plan Is Conservationist's Dream. But Reformers Want Focus on Neglected Neighborhoods
- Barcelona's Car-Free City Experiment
- America's Love Affair with Driving Takes a Backseat
- Why Car-Free Streets Will Soon Be the Norm - CityLab
- San Diego considering banning cars on Fifth Avenue to create ‘Gaslamp Promenade’
- Addis Ababa Goes Traffic Free For A Day
- Take VTA to Viva CalleSJ! 2018 Bus Reroute Information.